Forget About It

Alright, so from time to time I will have my "thoughts for the day" which really is my just sitting alone in my room contemplating life... sometimes I'll share what's on my mind...

So... last night I felt like I was in a bit of a rut and was going no where with my life. Yes I go to university, but what am I really going to do with this degree?? Everyone is 'growing up', buying houses, buying cars, moving away, getting married, having kids. And I'm here pretty much exactly the same as I was when I was in high school.

I think I need to jumpstart my life, which means I'm going to have to make a lot of changes. One of these changes was my goal to be more positive-- and laugh more (which I don't think is humanly possible). But in order to become and stay positive, I need to let go of some stuff from the past...

It's time to LET GO!!!

There's no point in holding on to the drama and heartbreak and nonsense of the past, so I just need to get over it and never look back, which I understand is easier said than done. People and situations come and go in a lifetime and I think it's time to re-evaluate my life. It's the start of a new year and it's winter (and bitterly cold) so really I have nothing better to do right now, so why not!

This is something I have to do, and I'm sure I'll have my good days and bad days, but in the end it'll be better in the end.

Tomorrow morning I'll wake up feeling like P. Diddy, and the day is going to be EPIC! <3

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