Cheer Up Buzzkill McGee...

It happens to all of us, we have those days where we're just down. I've definitely been that "Buzzkill McGee" the past couple of days. My friends are awesome and keep trying to cheer me up, but for some odd reason I was still a major downer. Maybe it's because of the blah weather, or because of the stresses of school, or the stresses of life in general, or some other things I just can't seem to get over.

No matter. It's time to get past it and move on to happier days. On the road to positive, I visited my brother and his family today. I don't do this often because they live on the other side of town (which in reality isn't all that far- so really I'm just lazy and too cheap to pay for gas to go out there). It was really fun, and I enjoy my nieces and nephews- even when they become violent...

The week is coming to a close and I couldn't be happier. My audition is in 13 days and I've been living on as prep for my interview. Next week I've got to watch the entire season of The City. I cannot wait for reading week as a time to relax!


1 comment

Rachel Jantzi February 11, 2010 at 9:27 AM

i'm so excited for you!

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