Grow Up Already!!! SOB

Frustration, and Jokes- all in one day!!

Alright, today started with work bright and early. Since it was one of those lovely $1,2,3 sales it was MAD BUSY!!! Note to the world: One days when it's a BANANAS sale like that, save your shopping for a few days unless you're willing to wait an hour in line and may not even get what you came in for... just saying.

After work came the frustration part of the day. Alright, so currently I am 20, no longer a teen, but not an aged adult. However at this age it seems I still can't make my own decisions and do what I want. Now I understand YES I still live at home with the parents and YES they do give me money for many things (like school and a car), BUT it would be nice if I could you know... still have a life-- my own life perhaps?!

Hanging out with friends is becoming a huge issue because I like to be "on the road" instead of at home. Seriously people, IF I go out I go out once every few Saturdays. I NEVER go out with my friends (if you don't believe me, just ask my friends. They can testify to this). Then for reading week my plans are essentially botched because I'm not allowed to go anywhere/do anything-- pretty nice, so I won't be working either and won't have any money or anything to do. I spent a large portion of my afternoon rather frustrated with this lack of freedom and great amount of control, especially when I'm told to "grow up" and "become an adult"...

In spite of this frustration, I did end up going out to dinner an a movie. We saw Leap Year and I totally cried: definite chick flick. Let's just say it was a BLAST!! I can't even write all the events of the evening, but I currently have no voice because I laughed so much (PS. guy in movie theater WIPED OUT and caused a huge scene in the middle of the movie: EPIC FAIL). See, going out for a few hours on a Saturday night isn't all that bad now is it??

Anyway, this officially marks the end of the first week of the year and back to school and I am exhausted!!! I'm sure next week and the next upcoming weeks will be interesting, and as usual, I'll keep you posted... :)


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