Phones and Pens
Jersey Shore,
move on,
reading week
I just realized I have MAJORLY been failing my goal to write in my journal everyday!! Since the year has started I think I've made... 5 entries?? So that's 5 entries in 14 days. FAIL! I'm still going to try and catch up on this goal, hopefully I do better over the rest of the year.A few entries ago I wrote about "moving on", well it's happened and I couldn't be happier about it!! Really it's a lot easier to move on from people and their drama when they make a great effort in helping you out. In the past few days it has been like there have been two roads: the road of drama, regrets, doubts, and the past, and A NEW ROAD!! On the first road there have been major flashing neon red flags basically saying to steer clear so the new road it is! And let me tell you, this new road without the silly obstacles has been way more fun!! :)This new road has also caused me to meet new people and try new things. Next new thing on the agenda: stop being so shy and talk to certain people ;) Ha ha, we'll see how it goes.
Finally, as it is Thursday, it's Jersey Shore night... BUT I MISSED IT!!! Why? Because I opted to hang out with some friends who chose to make several... interesting phone calls. Definitely was something I haven't seen since grade 5, but hey to each his own, right...
January is half over and the 2nd week of school is coming to a close-- it's almost the WEEKEND! Reading week is fast approaching and I think I've figured out a splendid plan for it! I'll keep ya posted on my awesome plans for the week off school.
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