The End of an Amazing Week

Alright, I would just love to give you full updates on the goings on of this week, but I legitimately can't remember anything prior to 20 minutes ago. The week has been THAT good! So I'm going to attempt to recap as much as I can...

This week I learned who my real friends are... not the dumb shady ones, not the ones who are going to talk about me and say crap about me, but the ones who are true to the end. my TFs.

I've had so much fun this week, even though I haven't been on March Break like everyone else. The group and I have gone bowling, bar crawling, and generally just had a blast!!! And this weekend is bound to be pretty epic too! Bowling Party II!! WIN!!!

Currently I'm sitting in class feeling horrible and want to go home... we're watching a movie and it's not even in English. I am far too tired to even attempt to comprehend any of this!

I'm just going to wait till this is done then PTFO.

Until next time...


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