Dear Devonnie, SMARTEN UP!

I'm the typical girl. I over think everything. And by everything, I mean everything. Like even things that haven't happened, or things that never will happen. It's just what I do. All girls do it, right? RIGHT!?!?!

Anyway, a few years ago I started a journal (not a diary - a diary has a lock, this is a journal) to write down all my thoughts, just to vent. Then I figured it would be a great idea because one day when I have a lul in my book writing endeavours, I can go back in the journal and get some ideas for inner thoughts or randomness, etc. So last night I was wiring in this journal and got completely off topic from what I was writing and ended up in a sea of tears... it was worthy of an #epicfail #emotionaltrainwreck hashtag on twitter.

But isn't this the purpose of a journal; an outlet where I can put all my feelings that I just can't say to people in real life?

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