First July Friday: INTENSE
Alright, so it's the first Friday of July, and also the first day of the weekly sales. Lemmie just mention, I LOVE GETTING WEEKLY FLYERS!! Love seeing the deals and planning on how to spend my money (wisely). Anywho, this weekend is a huge 3 day sale at Best Buy... since the sale is so huge I decided to go pretty early- like 35 minutes before the store opens. THERE WAS A FREAKING LINE AROUND THE ENTIRE PERIMETER OF THE STORE!!!Luckily I was lucky enough to get the last ticket, and thus was able to cross another item off my summer to do list:
37. Save money for a new camera
So now I am the proud new owner of a new camera- the Canon PowerShot SX120 IS.
I love my camera, it's pretty awesome, and way better than any other camera I've had in my collect. This weekend is my weekend for taking pictures. Stay tuned to the blog and my facebook for new pics :)
Oh another thing off my list completed last Wednesday:
7. Starbucks date with modeling friends
Megan and I met up for a lovely trip t Starbucks//LCBO to chat about our life's events AND get crazy creeped on my the weirdo old men there. Haha looove her <3
Happy July
Summer To-Do List: 2010 Edition
- Go to MarineLand
- Go to Canada's Wonderland
Go to the beachGo for a long walk on the beach- Read 3 books and blog about them
Have an intimate date nightStarbucks date with modeling friends- Attend a concert
- Learn something new
- Continue to do my song of the week
- Trip to Forever XXI
- Listen to old music I used to love as a kid (BSB HERE I COME!!!)
- Write and send at least one letter
Take a road trip- Watch the sun rise
Watch the sun set- Attend a party
- Make legit plans for my epic birthday party
- Have a girls night with my high school friends
- Go to the gym at least once a week
Finish one journal and start my new one- Have a shopping trip in the US
- Meet up with Rach and finally get to meet Jack (and maybe bake something)
- Watch Glee in it's entirety
- Take tons of pictures
- Start my 2010 scrapbook
- Go bowling, AND WIN!!
- Make 10 new friends
- Buy Scategories and pwn!
Have a romantic moment- Bust out in crazy dance moves in public
- Cut down on fast food, specifically McDonalds
- Spend more time with friends
- Make mama dinner for her birthday
- Help atleast 5 people
- Save money for a new iPod
Save money for a new camera- Save money in general
- Go to the casino and win over $50
- Go on a picnic
1 comment
I love Canon! They make the best stuff!
See you tomorrow night for bowling :)
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