2011: The Year My Bucket List Begins

I have been so inspired by the show the Buried Life. Regular people attempting to complete a list of things they want to do before they die, while helping random people when they accomplish one of their goals. Inspiring!!! So I`ve decided to create my own Bucket List: 100 things I want to do before I die. And each time I accomplish one of these goals, I will do something for someone else.

  1. Write a book
  2. Attend a UFC fight
  3. Go to a taping of the Rachael Ray Show
  4. Get published
  5. Learn a language. As in actually learn and become semi-fluent
  6. Plant a tree
  7. Grow a vegetable garden
  8. Be on the cover of a magazine
  9. Get backstage passes to meet a band
  10. Go on a hot air balloon ride
  11. Kiss someone under mistletoe 
  12. Host a cooking show
  13. Be in a real fashion show
  14. Attend fashion week
  15. Go camping
  16. Catch a fish, and eat it
  17. Appear in a television show
  18. Make an important speech
  19. Swim with dolphins
  20. Go to Alaska
  21. Go dog sledding
  22. Learn how to surf
  23. Party with a celebrity
  24. Meet Perez Hilton
  25. Visit the VonTrapp house in Austria
  26. Visit Europe
  27. Visit Buckingham Palace
  28. Have pinkberry with the gentlemen of Honor Society
  29. Learn to ballroom dance
  30. Attending the taping of a TV show 
  31. Get my own reality show
  32. Go snorkeling
  33. Visit the Smithsonian 
  34. Visit the UN
  35. Meet Prince Harry or the Queen
  36. Drive on the Ice Road
  37. Attend a New Zealand All Blacks game
  38. Go to a shooting range
  39. Hunt
  40. Learn to say "hello. How are you? and goodbye" in 20 languages
  41. Hula dance
  42. Start a business
  43. Send a message in a bottle
  44. Celebrate New Years in Times Square
  45. Visit an orphanage
  46. Adopt a puppy
  47. Ride an Elephant
  48. Attend a film festival
  49. Go to a wine tasting
  50. Fly First Class
  51. Visit a castle
  52. Travel to Israel
  53. Publish a poem
  54. Travel to England, Italy, and France
  55. Get married
  56. Learn to ride a horse
  57. Scuba dive
  58. Forgive everyone who wronged me
  59. Throw an epic party
  60. Learn to snowboard
  61. Go to a firing range

...to be continued. I need to have 100 things

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