Hello March

3 months into the year. The sun is shining, the wind;s not blowing, it's moderately nice and yet... today sucks bum! Or maybe it's just technology that sucks bum today-- either way!

Reading week has come and gone (although I hardly remember even seeing it at all) and now we're on to what is known as Hell Week. But this seems to go on for 2-3 weeks, so lets just call it HELL MONTH. Midterms, papers, exams, more midterms, tests, more papers, assignments, blah blah blah. I guess it's fitting since it is the last month of school before exams. Just to make the month even better, UW has decided to throw pre-enrollment into the mix; TOO BAD THE INTERNET HERE WON'T WORK!!! And now I personally can't pre-enroll because the stupid thing has changed my password and blocked me so I can't get back into the system. Thank you University of Waterloo. Take my money and don't let me enroll in to school. 

However, in good March 1st news, it's dearest Justin Bieber's 17 birthday!!! So to celebrate:


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