One More Month Left

Alright so it's the 2nd last day of July, meaning one more full month before school starts and... MY BIRTHDAY!!

So in this last month I have 2 options: relax as much as possible before the crazy of school starts or, work my butt off so I can afford things once school starts... neither seem to be panning out so well...

I've also realized, several things on my list will not happen in the next month (ie. save money-- pfft who were we kidding, really!), but here are the new things I've completed.

12.    Listen to old music I used to love as a kid (BSB HERE I COME!!!)
Not only have I been jamming to my beloved Nick Carter (and the others), but Spice Girls, S Club 7, NSYNC, and O Town have made a triumphant return into my life. YES!!

28.    Make 10 new friends
I'm pretty sure I've made more than 10 new friends haha, it's what I do...

31.   Bust out in crazy dance moves in public
This wasn't even supposed to happen. But I'm pretty sure some Miley Cyrus came on and I was a dancing fool. OH YEAH and last Sunday, Spice Girls- Wannabe came on in Price Chopper... definitely had a 4 minute dance party alone in Cash Office, no big deal...

32.   Cut down on fast food, specifically McDonalds
I have eaten 5 fries from McDonalds since June 22... FTW!!!

34.   Make mama dinner for her birthday
Tuesday was my mom's birthday, so I spent a large portion of the day making her my own recipe of Beef Stroganoff-- I'll post the recipe in the next few days. But it was amazing... as always :)

So in the 6 weeks left of summer I have 23/40 things to still finish. I think I can do it. But that's all for now, maybe after work tonight I'll update the song of the week... we'll see.


Summer To-Do List: 2010 Edition
  1. Go to MarineLand
  2. Go to Canada's Wonderland
  3. Go to the beach
  4. Go for a long walk on the beach
  5. Read 3 books and blog about them
  6. Have an intimate date night
  7. Starbucks date with modeling friends
  8. Attend a concert
  9. Learn something new
  10. Continue to do my song of the week
  11. Trip to Forever XXI
  12. Listen to old music I used to love as a kid (BSB HERE I COME!!!)
  13. Write and send at least one letter
  14. Take a road trip
  15. Watch the sun rise
  16. Watch the sun set
  17. Attend a party
  18. Make legit plans for my epic birthday party
  19. Have a girls night with my high school friends
  20. Go to the gym at least once a week
  21. Finish one journal and start my new one
  22. Have a shopping trip in the US
  23. Meet up with Rach and finally get to meet Jack (and maybe bake something)
  24. Watch Glee in it's entirety
  25. Take tons of pictures
  26. Start my 2010 scrapbook
  27. Go bowling, AND WIN!!
  28. Make 10 new friends
  29. Buy Scategories and pwn!
  30. Have a romantic moment
  31. Bust out in crazy dance moves in public
  32. Cut down on fast food, specifically McDonalds
  33. Spend more time with friends
  34. Make mama dinner for her birthday
  35. Help atleast 5 people
  36. Save money for a new iPod
  37. Save money for a new camera
  38. Save money in general
  39. Go to the casino and win over $50
  40. Go on a picnic

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