Reality Check: Summer Edition
Reality Check
Alright, so I know one of my summer goals was to keep up with my blog and continue to do my "Song of the Week", however the past few weeks have been a huge emotional mess. I've actually been meaning to come on the blog, because I have a lot to update and just random stuff to say in general, but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it...Anyway, this summer, and in the past two weeks specifically I've learned a lot.First of all, I've learned to cherish everyone. Enjoy every moment with friends and family. "Don't sweat the small stuff". Because in life things can change so quickly, so drastically and living with regret sucks. Tell the people you love that you love them, as often as possible. A day will come when you won't be able to do that anymore, and you don't want to regret that. I've also learned not to be afraid to fall in love and be in love and there is a huge difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. The saying "live and let live" should have the follow up "love and let love". Everyone loves being in love, really it's awesome, but once love is lost, it hurts. With that hurt comes fear; fear of being hurt again and then walls are put up. But hey we're young, so "crushes" and loves seem to come and go, so when they go I've learned to actually let go. Saying it's hard is definitely an understatement, but it has to be done. Dwelling on the past and the "what ifs" are just stupid. You'll drive yourself crazy by doing that... crazy and drained of all your tears.
I've also learned a lot about forgiveness. It's so easy to say we forgive someone, but in reality it's really not. And the saying forgive and forget is just stupid. Come on, really who really forgets when someone hurts them so badly that they're broken to the core, so when something happens that ends up changing everything. You'll never forget. Just how you remember all the greatest moments of your life, you'll also remember the worst just as well. So forgetting is somewhat of a goal, but I don't think anyone can fully forget, however forgiving is another story. You have to forgive people for their wrongdoings and holding grudges and hating on people is lame, and really just more stressful for you than it is for them. I know there have been times when I'm so upset with someone to the point of being sick, and they could care less if I was mad or not- such is life. So forgive, move on, but don't kid yourself, you'll remember it...
Recently I've learned not to be so naive and believe everything I'm told. And I don't mean things like vampires are real and everything Perez Hilton says are true. I mean people. It's human nature to be selfish and look out for oneself. Everything everyone does is to better themselves, if in the process they help out someone else too then bonus, but really it's all about looking out for number one. So I've had to learn not to believe everything everyone tells me, and that people can use you and play with your emotions just to get what they want from you. Realizing this has sucked, and I've cried a lot, but evidently, reality hurts.
Lastly, I guess I've learned to grow up. I'm not in high school anymore. In less than 3 weeks I'll be 21. The days of drama and boy craziness and immaturity should be over. And thinking realistically, I don't think drama ever ends. As long as people have to interact with other people, there will always be drama, but as part of growing up I've come to learn how to deal with situations. However growing up doesn't make certain situations hurt less, and the tears grow away. It just means I've got to move on and focus on what's important...
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