Sorry folks, I've been crazy MIA lately, with school and work (transitioning from Price Chopper to FreshCo) and... well really who are we kidding, that's been my life lately.

It's almost summer... well it's sorta starting to get warmer so this is gonna be awesome. If you really need outfit and summer ideas, check out College Fashion. It's the best. Also I'm major into Lauren Conrad's new website: The Beauty Department. This is what has been taking over my free time.

Anyway, I keep forgetting to post a picture of my additions, but my nail polish addiction has transitioned to an eyeshadow addiction. In the past week $75 dollars later I have a good 200+ colours to play with now :) I'll get to documenting this so if I go on hoarders or something, it'll all be there.

If you know of any books I should read this summer, lemmie know. I've also got to make a summer to-do list.

There's so much I've got to update but this is just a quick post, so I'll leave you all with this.



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