Summer List 2011

My to-do list for last summer wasn't too bad, so let's see if I can do it again.

Summer To-Do List: 2011 Edition

  1. Go to Marine Land
  2. Go to African Lion Safari
  3. Go to Canada's Wonderland
  4. Go to the beach
  5. Read 4 books
  6. Build a sandcastle 
  7. Make dinner for a group of people
  8. Have a girls night
  9. Have a games night
  10. Win in games night
  11. Watch the sun rise
  12. Watch the sun set
  13. Attend a concert
  14. Make a weekly post
  15. Forever 21 Trip
  16. Road Trip
  17. Go to the gym... 12 times (this weekly thing isn't gonna fly)
  18. Save money
  19. Make a collage 
  20. Travel to the US
  21. Buy a MacBook Pro
  22. Make at least 20 new friends

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