A Letter to My Former Self

Dear Sixteen Year Old Me,
You will surprised, and very pleased at how things turned out. You’re still the same dork 5 years later as you were then. You still love things that are intended for children, regardless of your age. You are still an avid fan of Disney movies and teenie-bopper music. Your taste hasn’t changed.
The friends you made in your first year of high school will still remain your closest friends, but as life goes, you will lose a few other friends. The drama you had then will seem very insignificant later on in life, however, as long as there are other people involved in your life, there will always be some type of drama. 
Just you wait, your boy crazy days will come to an end! You will eventually have your first boyfriend, first love, and first heartbreak. You will get over it- it won’t be easy, but it’ll happen. You’ll even fall in love again *crazy*. Together with your new love you will plan your future. Whether that happens or not, you’re happy and content.
After much searching, you will finally discover who you really are. It took awhile, but you’ll get there. No more following what other people do, say, and wear, you will become “the real you”. You will be very confident, outgoing, and a friend to everyone. You will feel beautiful regardless of what you wear and how you look. Believe it or not, you will finally stop seeking the approval of everyone else, so long as you yourself approve. You will stay true to your likes and dislikes, and hold fast to your morals and beliefs.
You may think now you need a cell phone to be cool, but 4 years later, you will need a cell phone to survive; and not just any old phone, but a smart phone. And although you have the same job as you did then, you’re in university gaining an education for a better career. 
Sixteen year old me would be very proud of twenty-one year old me. 
Twenty-one Year Old Me

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