10 Songs that Make Me Happy

Now don't get me wrong, music has the ability to alter someone's mood. But I'm not the type who when I'm in a bad mood I pull out my iPod and mellow out. That's a bit too emo, but there's definitely a list of songs that instantly perk up my mood. Here's my top ten:

     1.      Bootylicious - Destiny's Child

I don't think you can handle this WOOOOOOOOOO! 
I have forgotten the awesomeness of this song, until late last week. Definitely remember the awesomeness of this song when it first came out, how everyone wanted the outfits, to know the choreography and to do that belly thing Beyonce does in the pink outfit. 

     2.      Whip My Hair - Willow Smith
The first time I heard this song, I felt like I had whiplash. Then the song grew on me within minutes. Best song ever! When you're listening to it, you too start whipping your hair (which is very embarrassing if you're in public or anywhere where hair whipping is not appropriate). Hate on the song all you want, you know it's awesome.

     3.      Fergalicious - Fergie
Why Fergie still does not have a solo career I don't know. Her entire album = fantastic, but this has got to be my favourite! 

     4.      Check it Out - Nicki Minaj

In reality, this song is a bunch of nonsense, you a chihuahua I'm a rotwallaaa. But it's just so darn catchy! Obviously the song was bound to be a hit, I mean common Will.I.Am AND Nicki Minaj.

     5.      Eenie Meanie - Justin Bieber and Sean Kingston
This is my favourite Justin Bieber song, no doubt! He's so stinking cute, and him and Sean Kingston together... omfg! This song is much cuter in the footage from Never Say Never, but since most people don't want to see the movie, just listen here.

     6.      Stop - Spice Girls
If you were a girl in the 90s, and you don't know the dance to this song, you're either a liar or a loser. EVERYONE knows it. I know it and I wasn't even allowed to listen to the Spice Girls!! This song was the anthem of the 1990s Girl Power movement. But who cares, they're British and just oh so cool.

     7.      Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
Probably the only LMFAO song without profanity. But it just makes me wanna dance.

     8.      Tik Tok - Ke$ha
Anyone who knows me, know I love Ke$ha... and glitter. This song has a little too much of both. Her first and probably her most popular song. I remember when this video premiered at Much Music (I was at Much watching everyone's reaction) and everyone thought Ke$ha was black, but were sadly disappointed that she was some crazy drunk white girl covered in last nights glitter. Besides, who doesn't wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy. Nonetheless, good song.
And true confession: "Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy"- my alarm every morning.

     9.      Wannabe - Spice Girls
BEST SPICE GIRLS SONG! First of all: message to all men: if you want to be with a girl, be cool with her friends or it ain't happening. Second: Ginger Spice's outfit?! AMAZING! Third: this is where Scary Spice stopped being the scary nutjob, and became half cool... Of course she's much cooler now without the leopard print, but whatever.

   10.      Yeah - Usher

Usher, Lil John, Ludachris. Nuff said.

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